Shop Display Design
Displaying your product or you brand is arguably the most important part of visual marketing you will undertake. It’s how your customers see you as a company, so to display a high end product in low quality surrounds will give off the wrong impressions. High quality surroundings don’t have to be expensive, just well thought out and giving of the right impression. It can be as simple as the correct colour scheme or positioning to completes the look. Have a look into some of the displays we have installed and think what they could do for your company profile.

Bespoke Display Units
At RED specialise in the design and manufacturing of display units. With all manner of finishes, glass, wood, vinyl, a high quality unit is just as much a part of what you’re displaying. We can offer these units flat packed and delivered or a full installation service. All we need is a small amount of input from yourself, be it a sketch or just a phone and we can put the wheels into motion.
Bespoke Displays
Alongside our units we also create unique displays. Like the units we need a small amount of inspiration from yourself and we can create that amazing display that wow’s its audience. Whether they are the launch of a new product in store, a focal point in your exhibition stand or just a way of jazzing up your office reception, a bespoke display is certain one that’s going to draw attention.
Graphics Printing and Displays
What better way to display all that you do than to print it and display it? You can cover and entire shop window in vinyl or send out brochures to your clients. We’ve had entire vehicles wrapped and marquees branded, giant fabric lightboxes installed and custom wallpaper in offices. With the availability to print large format and onto pretty much every substrate imaginable the possibilities are certainly endless. Our prices very competitive and we are certain that we could give you exactly the end product you need. Make and enquiry and see if we can compete for your printing requirements.Get in touch today